Encouraging Women’s Financial Engagement

The Money Is Always In Style Campaign is designed to get women thinking and talking about their relationship with money and how to increase their financial engagement. Ultimately, the goal is to empower women and to show them how to develop their own “style” around money to meet their financial goals and values.

063Carolyn_retouch“As the first woman to trade with my own money in the largest pit at the CBOE, I used style, fashion and sheer grit and determination to brand myself as a force to be reckoned with in a male-dominated world.”

Carolyn Leonard | Founder & CEO,  DyMynd, Inc.

When it comes to engaging women in finance, you can’t just “pink it and shrink it.” Women see right through it. They want an advisor they can trust. Money Is Always in Style events are a way to get high net-worth, professional and entrepreneurial women thinking and talking about their relationship with money and what to look for in an advisor.


1| Hear Carolyn Leonard’s inspiring “Feel The Vibration” story about how she leveraged her style to strategically out bid her competition as the first woman to trade in the pit with her own money at the CBOE.

2|Get an opportunity to take the DyMynd Identity Survey for free.

3|Receive a copy of the DyMynd Cracking The Code Guide Book for step by step instructions that women, couples, and millennials can use to drive their financial engagement.

4|Raffle a DyMynd Money & Merlot or Dough & Doughnuts gift basket for a step by step guide to expand the conversation with other women and millennials.


A DyMynd Participant said that the one thing that she took away from the Money Style Presentation was to “take ownership of your financial life!!!” and as a result she will be “be more empowered to get into higher-risk investments”

Book or Attend an Event