DyMynd Roundtable For Leading Chicago Women

Today, DyMynd Launched the 2014 Roundtable series to capture the voice of Chicago’s leading women and their experiences in Finance. We have heard from women that Finance has it wrong and that the “pink it and shrink” approaches are not sufficient enough to drive real engagement. We want to provide an opportunity for women to have real conversations about their needs, insights, and solutions for Finance.

Today’s kick-off was co-sponsored by the the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) and attended by many engaging women with authentic stories, strong voices, and dynamic strategies. Quarterly focus groups will be held throughout the year, with dynamic questions specifically designed to uncover insights about the concerns and needs of High Net Worth Women, will be held to gain honest real-world feedback from diverse women throughout Chicago. The next focus group is scheduled for May 15th (4:30 to 6:00 PM) 2014. A quarterly report will be distributed to key financial leaders and select institutions to ensure that Finance can truly begin to understand and engage with female clients from a woman’s perspective.

Focus groups are by invitation only.
Please email info@dymynd.com for more information.