Ambassador Board Meeting


August 8, 2018 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Risk Stratetgies
333 West Wacker Drive
Private Event for DyMynd Angel Ambassador Board
Carolyn Leonard
773.245.MYND [6963]

The DyMynd Angels Ambassador Board is a unique group of Female Funders who have stepped forward to ensure the success of this Angel Evolution Movement, solidifying the pipeline for a new generation of women to close the gender funding gap.

At DyMynd Angels we are creating a new table for female funders. We are not sitting at the boys table anymore. We have remodeled their table long enough. We have created new legs, extended it, and added new chairs and still there is not enough room for women to sit down with Clarity, Comfort, and Confidence. Simply put, it is time to evolve the game, all together.

The DyMynd Angels Ambassador Board is committed to helping us to create a table for female funders. The Ambassador Board Meets approximately every six weeks to network, build community, and get shit done. Please contact Carolyn Leonard for any additional questions and/or if you have an interest in joining this dynamic group of women.